
Love is the Only Law single launches this Friday

July 2017 marked 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales. To commemorate this milestone, scene star Jason Prince rounded up some of the scene’s brightest stars to produce a charity single, which is out this Friday. Here, the Prince explains more.

Hi Jason, what’s the basic idea behind Love is the Only Law?

We produced this single to celebrate the closing of this historic year of ’50 years legal’ – 50 years since the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in England and Wales. And to highlight the plight of our forefathers and the continued fight of many around the world for equality.

What made you want to do this?

I was part of the Simon Napier-Bell movie 50 Years Legal. Although this was a star studded movie it wasn’t just shallow ‘celebrity’ tails. Some of the stories that were portrayed in the film were very moving. At the premiere my friends were inspired to write a song and asked me to co-write.

What charity is it raising money for?

The Albert Kennedy Trust, a small but very worthwhile charity that looks after young LGBT people who have been made homeless or put in strained situations because of their sexuality.

Who wrote and produced the song?

It was a real group effort from all at Klubkidz Productions and La La Piano Bar. Myself, Scott Houzet, Nik C and David Roper from ‘4 Poofs and a Piano’ produced the track with fantastic and inspirational lyrics from Lady Bee, Lynn Sutcliffe and Shamil Sharshek.

Can you tell us some of the people on the song?

We were helped so much by Kelly Wilde, who as well as singing on the record herself also arranged many of the other singers. X Factor stars Seann Milley Moore, Marcus Collins and Jaymi Hensley from Union J also contributed. As did my idol Hazell Dean and 80s stars Tight Fit. It was just fantastic too to have dance divas Soraya Vivian, Katherine Ellis, Tina Cousins, Rozalla, Angie Brown and of course Sam Fox! But to have my cabaret and DJ friends all on the record too was just amazing: Cookie, Topsie, Mzz Kimberley, Pete Martine, Paul Masterson, George Sharp, Michael Gray… The list is fantastic.

What was making the recording and video like?

Two days of pure magic at Barbican Studios! The director is my dear friend Nim Arnold, who is June Brown’s daughter – we even did a day of filming with June at her house, which was brilliant. Plus June is featured in the video and made the official TV advert for us. So many people came together at Barbican Studios to make this happen – 50 artists all in all – and you could really feel the love.

Were you surprised with the way everyone came together and worked so hard?

The whole experience has overwhelmed me. Everybody has really come together and worked so hard on this project. It’s history in the making: this is the biggest LGBT record of all time. Everybody has done their bit, from our most mature members Michael Topping, Maisie Trollette (who is 84) and June Brown (who is 90), right down to our teenage Albert Kennedy rappers let by Bradley Hunt from Bratavio. It’s history in the making: this is the biggest LGBT record of all time!

When is it out and how people can buy it?

It’s out this Friday (15 Dec) and you can download it on iTunes, Amazon etc or go to

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