
Holiday on Ice: Time at Brighton Centre. Review by Stephen Vowles

Holiday on Ice: Time at Brighton Centre until 14 January

This year’s production of Holiday on Ice, beautifully conceived and choreographed by David Liu, takes the theme of ‘Time’ and by linking various routines in a seamless combination emphasised the magnificent premise that time does not stand still. The speed over the ice, displays of strength when presenting the lifts and triple spins, axels and loops are just mesmerising and extremely balletic. The pulse of the various pieces is also clever from sentimental to pure sexual aggression. A real highlight is Cuban born Donet Collazo Valdez aerial trapeze act that is performed high above the ice and was simply spellbinding, His upper body strength is sensational. The energy levels maintained by this ensemble of dancers is awesome and the whole show from start to finish is beyond excellent. The concept of Holiday on Ice shows what the human body is capable of and the grace, commitment to craft puts this form of entertainment in a class of its own. Stunning on every level from production to presentation.


Holiday on Ice:Time runs to the 14th January at Brighton Centre. Box office 0844 847 1538

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