
Burns Night at XXL this Saturday at Pulse

This Saturday Mark Ames and the team at Pulse will be celebrating all things Scottish at their XXL Burns Night party. Dave Cross got out his sporran and had a wee catch up with Mr Ames about this tartan themed shindig.

Hi Mark, Burns Night is not something that automatically makes you think of a night out clubbing with bears, why do you do it every year at XXL? 

Easy access in a kilt! We started it one year ago and it was well attended, plus bears look great in kilts, they really suit the larger build if worn right. However come the “the wee small hours” and the binge done you need to take care as if not worn well the hunk can easily transform into Mrs Doubtfire! And remember to not cross your knees! No one likes a killjoy!

So, it’s really just an excuse to wear your rather fetching kilt? 

Kilts are actually hard work to be honest, liberating but who tells you (till now) how hot and sweaty it gets swinging those pleats to the beats.

What does the writing of Robbie Burns mean to you?

How little has changed! I know the Scottish leader looks more Jimmy Kranky but I think she could go wild on the blue eye shadow and happily invade England!

Do you have a favourite poem or quote?

“When the weather’s hot and sticky, that’s na time fa dunkin dicky. But when ya frost is on your bobby Mr thinks it time for dicky dicky dunking!” One of his hidden masterpieces.

A traditional Burns Night starts with a speech by the host and is all about the food, what can we expect at XXL on Saturday?

You’re a glutton and there will be plenty to feast on!

Burns Night has become a night to celebrate all things Scottish, so here are a few questions to set the mood: Loch Ness Monster, true or false? 

True, and she works in the House of Commons.

Independence, yes or no? 

I say No! Because I have a home there and my partner’s one of them and it annoys them but also because they are a dynamic part of our history. It’s a lovely part of this land and I believe in the Union and they are not as bad as they make out.

Lulu or Sheena Easton?

Well… I know you’re gonna be shocked, but Sheena! One record does it for me, the song 101, written and produced by Prince and was a TUNE at the time, but for a good old knees up, I’d play Lulu.

Nicola Sturgeon or Ruth Davidson? 

It’s a toughy, as much as I hate saying this, I think they are different, but both would kill for Scotland but not sure Nicola would for England, so I’d go with Ruth as she is a Unionist. I do love that Nicola allegedly said “Caviar? Ohh yes if it’s free – you’re  not catch me wasting money on that” –  and with her name!

If there was a King of Scotland, would you choose Billy Connolly or Sean Connery?

Billy as he is fun and we need more fun. But if you asked who I’d shag I’d have said Sean, can I see your 007?

Glasgow or Edinburgh? 

Glasgay by night and Edinblow by day, some say. Actually you’ll find me in the UK’s fastest growing and internationally acclaimed, recent European city of culture and many now say the trendiest and known by most as Fundee, aka Dundee. It’s a bit like Hoxton and Cambridge mucked up together with young and old all mixing, a bit like XXL for heteros (and yes they do) apparently.

And finally Haggis or Arbroath Smokies? 

I’ll go for the deep fried pizza in batter please!

Entry is £10 members, £15 guests 

XXL at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, Blackfriars Bridge Road, SE1. 

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