
The XXL guide to Valentine’s for this Saturday at Pulse

This Saturday night Mark Ames and his clutch of bears and blokes at Pulse will be getting out the hearts, flowers and chocolates as they do their best to seduce you at the XXL Valentine’s party. We asked Mark and his resident DJs just what it would take to woo them and what is their favourite love song to smooch too.

Mark Ames

To impress me, I’d love a romantic sunset sail on a yacht and my favourite love song would have to be Stranger In Paradise by Tony Bennett.


Paul Morrell

I am the least romantic person you could ever meet, so a romantic gesture would have to be pretty immense to ‘woo me’. I did propose to my long term partner of seven years a few years ago, however we split up not long after that, so every Valentine’s Day since has been spent watching Bridget Jones’ Diary whilst crying into an industrial size box of chocolates. My favourite ‘love song’ has to be Rufus & Chaka Khan Ain’t Nobody’ – it is, in my opinion, pretty much the best song ever written, and although it isn’t a stereotypical ‘power ballad’ love song, which some of the other guys may pick, the lyrics depict the story of being madly in love with someone.

Alex Logan

I give Valentine’s Day a wide berth – if you haven’t got a man for the other 364 days of the year you’re obviously a psycho… Yes, I’m single. For my favourite love song I’d pick A Different Corner by George Michael.

Joe Egg

The perfect Valentine’s gesture to impress me would be a trip to a the Kings Arms’ ‘Geek Out’ 80’s pop quiz. That would be my dream evening, right there. Failing that, an evening in watching back-to-back episodes of Pointless. As someone who has experienced occasional bouts of mild self-loathing, I would pick Ne-Yo’s 2012 chart topper, Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) as a favourite love song. Its sentiment is both refreshing and empowering, and Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy’s cover version is astonishingly beautiful.

David Robson

A few pints and a large mixed doner should do the trick. That’s marriage talk to me. Picking a song is bloody tough. I’m gonna go with Anita Baker Giving You The Best That I Got. A slice of smooth 80s soul that lays bare to us her love and dedication for her man. Shame they got divorced in 2008, but the thought was there and the result is pure magic.

John Logan 

The perfect Valentine’s gesture to woo me would be a cup of tea with a smile. And my favourite love song, or rather tune, would be Yumeji’s Theme by Shigeru Umebayashi. There are no words but it says a lot.

Entry is £10 members, £15 guests

XXL at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, Blackfriars Bridge Road, SE1 

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