In Pictures

David Hoyle at The RVT: Thursday 15 March

David Hoyle at The RVT: Thursday 15 March 

David Hoyle has always been someone who’s not afraid to tackle the big issues or the very personal ones that affect us all in the modern world.

His latest run of shows at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern are called Exobiology and set the concerns of the human state against the cosmic setting of life, the Universe and, well everything really. Engaging and as fascinating as always, David is the master of mixing the profound with the hilarious in equal measure, telling us stories of his life and letting us in on the thoughts that spring into his brilliant mind. He’s a generous performer, sharing his time on the much loved stage with guest performers including Travis Alabanza , Eros and Simone Simone. Exobiology is thought provoking, sometimes shocking and always entertaining.

Photos by Captain Jack

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