
Snow White and the Seven Poofs, Easter Resurrection: Review by Stephen Vowles

Slapstick and broad farce can be very tricky to get right especially when the performance space limits the grandeur of any gestures. However Simon Gross and his fabulous comedic ensemble cast – with the very versatile Alex Anstey playing Snow White and Richard Canal playing Prince Donkey Dick – are so ‘on the money’ with Snow White and the Seven Poofs, Easter Resurrection, these limitations are quickly overcome and the audience are treated to a wonderful interactive, adults-only romp.

At times the show does adhere to the classic fairy tale story but at others descends into pure raunch and risqué double entendres that could make even a sailor blush! If you have a wicked sense of humour and you enjoy being naughty, but in a friendly fashion, this show will be right up your street. Traditional pantomime taken to a whole new level to meet the demands of a modern audience.

Worth a view and even a repeat visit – just in case you missed any of the gags the first time around. All rise for the joyous fun and frolics. A fast paced, clap along theatrical experience that cannot fail to put a smile on your face.


Snow White and the Seven Poofs, Easter Resurrection runs to Sunday 15th April at the Karma Sanctum Hotel, Warwick Street, London W1B 5NF. Check the website as curtain up times do vary Box office: 0333 666 3366. 

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