
Royal headlines at The RVT

Forget the news about the latest royal sprog, there’s only one HRH we really care about and it’s the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. Once again they have another sensational week ahead – here’s a taste of the treats in store down in SE11.

Sonia – Eurovision Anniversary Special

Thursday 26 April, 7pm – midnight

Sonia is the small but perfectly formed liver bird with the powerful voice and a clutch of hits to her name, and she is back for another show at The RVT this Thursday. This special show coincides with the 25th anniversary of the Scouse sensation coming second in Eurovision in 1993 with Better The Devil You Know, plus we are bound to get more of her hits such as Listen To Your Heart, End of The World and You’ll Never Stop Me From Loving You.

Push The Button – A Grande Out

Friday 27 April, 9pm – 3am

This Friday the masters of cool pop at Push The Button will be doing their bunny ears and paying tribute to pop princess Ariana Grande to coincide with the release of her new single. You get pop, pop, pop and more pop plus shows, DJs, sweets and a bumper helping of crazy.

Queer Fayre

Saturday 28 April, 1pm – 6pm

The sun is shinning and it’s time for the gang from Wotever World to bring us their Queer Fayre this Saturday afternoon at The RVT. This is a social afternoon offering market stalls packed with rainbow family fun, art, craft, print and treats. Entry is only £2 and all money raised goes towards the rent for the LGBT Sanctuary House in Uganda which Wotever World is sponsoring/paying for.


Saturday 28 April, 9pm – 2pm

Duckie is what Saturday nights were made for. Amazing pop tunes from the Readers Wifes plus host Amy Lamé, door whore Jay Cloth and the rest of the gang, and one of the best party crowds in all of London.

Sunday Social with Myra DuBois

Sunday 29 April, 3pm – midnight

This Sunday lock up your sons, fathers, uncles and the gin (especially the gin) because that one-woman meat raffle Myra DuBois will be off her leash and looking for fun. You also get amazing music from the likes of Simon Le Vans, Liam Chaplin and Sean Sirrs.


Don’t forget that Monday is the Big Bingo Show with Timberlina and Tuesday is Bar Wotever with more cabaret innovators. And Wednesday (2 May) is Not Another Night at The Cap, while on Thursday (3 May) it’s The RVT’s first Drag Idol heat.

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Road, Vauxhall, SE11. 

Details and tickets from

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