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Drag Idol UK Reporter: all the heats news this week

Last week there was another sparkling clutch bag of amazing Drag Idol heats across the country, including Mary’s in Cardiff, who opened their 2018 account with Oliver Assets becoming their first winner.

In Great Yarmouth it was Shady J who won the second heat at Quay Pride, where the lovely Stephanie Von Clitz was guest judge. OMG Liverpool had their first heat and Helena Heartbeat took the prize, as did the brilliantly named Marianna Trench at OMG Bristol, while at the Kings Arms Swansea it was Lunar Sea who won the heat.

And the London heats started with The Victoria in Walthamstow where Ava Cardo won heat one, while at Central Station in Kings Cross it was Kate Butch who wowed the judges.

This week loads more venues are unleashing the glitter with Sundowners in Margate and Halfway II Heaven on Tuesdays, the Two Brewers on Wednesdays, the White Swan and Her Upstairs on Saturdays. Next week the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, the Old Ship and Eden Bar in Birmingham join in the madness with more to follow the week after. All of these heats will be fun nights out and are worth a visit to support your local talent and venues. Plus if you want to enter the contest, there’s still time as some venues still have spaces – just check for details on the website.

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