In Pictures

The City of Quebec: Saturday 5 May

The City of Quebec: Saturday 5 May

The City of Quebec, located at the west end of Oxford Street, has been packing them in for a good few years, but last Saturday was the first time we’d been there in a while.

The venue was packed from the off with a super friendly crowd and a welcoming vibe from the staff, plus the bar was proudly displaying its LGBT+ credentials with a large rainbow flag outside the entrance. Our hostess for the night was the lovely Patti O’Dors who introduced a gorgeous Marilyn Monroe act and the star of the night, the one and only Charlie Hides. Charlie was on sizzling form keeping the gags and one liners coming at light speed, plus a fine selection of his fantastic songs. It was a great reintroduction to the Quebec for us and we’ll be back soon.

Photos by Captain Jack

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