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Like a Sturgeon: Fake News at The RVT: Friday 15th June

Last Friday at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, talk of the Edinburgh Fringe, Ripley returned with the newest instalment of her quarterly Like A Sturgeon Show.

Fake News, saw the lipsync queen take on Donald Trump, Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon in a flurry of pop parodies that explored alternative facts, the mainstream media, and tabloid sensationalism.

Highlights included a re-write of Britney’s Piece of Me which saw Ripley dressed as Donald Trump miming to lyrics about being urinated on by Russian escorts while a jet stream of pee was projected across her body. Later, dressed as Theresa May she delivered an iconic rap to Madonna’s Vogue, name checking the members of the Tory cabinet.

Ripley was joined at Like A Sturgeon: Fake News by Elle who took on the roles of a helmet-wearing, befuddled Boris Johnson, and sweary SNP minister Mhairi Black. Alexis StClair made her first appearance in Like A Sturgeon as leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Ruth Davidson.

Both guest stars were given a chance to shine on their own, with Elle lipsyncing to Mhairi Black’s iconic, expletive-ridden speech about misogyny before busting into a rendition of Kesha’s woman, and Alexis performing a medley of The Roof Is On Fire and Raise the Roof – roof sounds like Ruth, get it?

Ripley will be back at The RVT soon and you can catch a preview of Ripley’s Edinburgh Fringe preview at The Glory on 12th July. Tickets available here:

 Photographer Lauraine Bailey/ @laurainebailey

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