In Pictures

Isle of Wight Pride: Saturday 21 July

Isle of Wight Pride: Saturday 21 July

Last Saturday it felt like half the London gay scene had decamped to the gorgeous holiday island that is the Isle of Wight for their second annual Pride festival.

We arrived on a special hovercraft service hosted by Miss Jason and also saw many of the performers including Charlie Hides, Martha D’Arthur and Conchita arriving on this oh-so-camp service. We watched the march and headed to the beach where we spent time watching the acts on the Main Stage and we spent a few hilarious hours in the London Hotel cabaret tent. The sun shone and the crowds flocked to the beach; it was much busier than last year and we had a totally glorious day all round. Well done to everyone involved, we can’t wait until next year’s event.

Photos from main event by others supplied by Hover Travel 

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