
Meet the Brighton Pride Makers: the volunteers who bring us Brighton Pride

Brighton Pride may be a huge fun fest of a weekend for us, but it is a huge undertaking with a fantastic team of people made up of full time staff and loads of volunteers. For our cover shoot we got a group of people who are working on Pride this year together and asked them to tell us one thing about why they are part of the Brighton Pride team of Pride Makers.



‘I’m working for Brighton Pride because I want to be a part of something that celebrates homosexuality and is a massive force for good in our community.’


‘I came for new life experiences, meeting new people and enhancing my knowledge of the LGBT community.’


‘I’m organising the volunteers for this year’s event for the first time, I love a challenge!’


‘I just want a drag queen or king to tell me I’m pretty.’


‘Because I’m a workaholic so a hundred hours a week at Pride suits me well!’


‘Having grown up in Brighton, which has an open LGBT+ community, it baffles me as to why the LGBT community are still fighting for equality and discriminated against as we are all the same. I stand with Pride as a straight ally and I want my daughter to grow up in a society where everyone has equal rights and discrimination is learnt through history books and not society.’


‘As a non-binary person Pride is important to me as I want to help promote non-binary/trans inclusion and public knowledge in and via Brighton Pride.’


‘Pride represents the memory of intolerance and hate over the many decades which now is a celebration that we can live free and proud. No matter your colour, race or gender, everyone is loved for who they are.’

Get full details on all Pride events and tickets at

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