
Rush at the King’s Head Theatre: First night review by Stephen Vowles

Willi Richards’ first play is rather a complex affair highlighting the complications of being gay in 2018. Rush explores the problems of falling in love, the power of desire and all the complications that being in a relationship can bring like jealousy, infatuation and lust. Superbly cast, all three actors – Omari Douglas as the Boy, Mark Gillis as the Man and lastly Kane Surry as the Lad – have a strong chemistry on stage.

The actors bring to their respective roles a good understanding and excellent delivery of the very sharp and acute dialogue. The play makes you ponder the rules and regulations that are relevant in maintaining any stable relationship connection on both a physical and mental level. Richards offers a rather erudite opinion about life. Do we live life via a planned timetable which if unchecked can become disturbing and scary? 

Richards also works into his script the threat that social media can have on relationships. That a loss of trust and disrespect can creep into a situation and when that happens he asks can a relationship survive, when a power struggle ensues? This is wonderful stuff and well worth a view. A  well structured play directed by Joseph Winters whose control of the pace of the play is to be applauded. Thought-provoking stuff.


BOYZ READERS OFFER: Boyz readers can buy £10.00 tickets by using code “rushboyz” online or at the door or by telephone.

Rush runs to Sunday 12th August at the King’s Head Theatre, 115 Upper Street, Islington. Box office: 020 7226 8561.

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