In Pictures

The Duke of Wellington: Saturday 25 August

The Duke of Wellington: Saturday 25 August 

For the bank holiday weekend, Oliver and his team of minxes at the Duke of Wellington came over all ‘butch’ and gave us their Big Daddy Weekend.

We rocked up on Saturday night to find that ‘busy mum’ DJ David Robson delivering the pop and R&B gems, including more than a few soul classics from Aretha Franklin to cheers from the crowd. The Boyz Award-winning Soho pub was packed inside and out with a mega friendly mixed crowd and a sprinkling of cute bears and smiling faces of all kinds. We knocked back a couple of beers and then a couple of shots, just to be friendly, and somehow we were still there at closing time.

This Tuesday (4 Sep) it’s the Busy Lady Bingo 1st anniversary special.

Photos by Captain Jack, see more at 

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