
David Hoyle in Electric Cars at The RVT

This Thursday the mighty David Hoyle returns to his spiritual home at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern for the first in a series of four shows under the title of Electric Cars. Over the next four Thursdays, David will explore the modern world with the help of special guests. We asked David what we can expect and why The RVT holds a special place in his heart.

“Electric Cars is near: I am preparing myself. I am limbering up! I feel this time with the name we may have dipped further than usual into the avant-garde. I ask myself: ‘Have we gone too far?’ Where are we now philosophically? Is it post-modern, or neo-Victorian? Electricity is something that we all feel. The electric is deep within each and every one of us and that can connect us. A vibrational energy. After all, that’s all we are to a certain extent. I like the sound of electric cars, quite a clean sound, like a pretentious milk float. Where there are currently roads, henceforth let there be gardens!

“Our eclectic guest stars are all at the pinnacle of their artistry: Baby Lame (27 Sept), Le Gateau Chocolat (4 Oct 4), Kelly Wilde (11 Oct), and the fabulous Veda from Dublin (18 Oct). They represent the top of the tree, the crème de la crème – which, with Le Gateau, could be quite a rich combination!

“The Royal Vauxhall Tavern is my spiritual home. I cleave to it. I love every brick in the building. It always feels like an honour to perform there. Within its walls one may commune with ulterior planes. It is other worldly, like the electric cars themselves. Optimistic, in a way, because they suggest there will be a future, which at the moment seems like it’s hanging in the balance. But no: there will be life.”

Advance tickets are £10 from or £12 on the door.

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11.

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