
The girls are back in town: Outrageous drag supergroup Denim are back at the Soho Theatre

Denim, the outrageous drag supergroup are back for more adventures and inappropriate behaviour at the Soho Theatre for a three week run. Dave Cross had a quick catch up with the girls to see what’s rocking their world.

Hello Denim, how the hell has 2018 been since we spoke at the start of the year?

Crystal: Well, Susan, I’m currently in mourning for both my virginity and the loss of my 88th husband Declan. It’s been a tough process with the insurance claim, I’m never going with NFU Mutual again, but the sum’s just been paid so I’m back on the up. For the group, naturally, it’s been a whirlwind literally. We have been stuck inside an actual whirlwind for nine months, but that’s global warming unfortunately.

Electra: It’s been a real blast: my rabbinical training has gone swimmingly and my pork pie business is booming. 

Glamrou: I’ve spent most of it on a private jet between gigs, but from what I glean when I have wi-fi on the plane, things aren’t too peachy down on earth.

Aphrodite: It’s been real. After an overwhelming outcry from our three billion-strong Denim fanbase, we reformed for our Reunion Tour earlier this year, staring with a smash-hit run at the Edinburgh Festival for stadia crowds of up to 120 people. It’s been a whirlwind of Grammy, Olivier and Nobel nominations.

Shirley: It’s been an incredible year! Not only did we have an absolute blast in Edinburgh but we also collaborated with John Cage and Hannah from S Club 7 on a minimalist, ambient dub, freakbeat infused opera. We each won an Oscar for our respective lead performances in A Star Is Born, and released a joint PHD on the Moroccan Flic-Flac Spider’s relationship to George Eliot.

You’re back in London this month, can you each pick one thing that screams LONDON to you?

Electra: As our capital’s cultural icon, I’d have to say me.

Glamrou: As a Muslim immigrant trying desperately to belong in Britain, I’d have to say a red telephone box. It’s raining cats and dogs guvnor!

Aphrodite: The first place I ever made love in the great outdoors.

Shirley: The 19th-century English civil engineer John Bazalgette!

Who are are your favourite London drag/cabaret performers?

Glamrou: Victoria Sin, Shay Shay, Chiyo Gomes, Travis Alabanza, Rubyyy Jones

Aphrodite: Lucy McCormick.

Shirley: Georgeous Michael, Benjamin Butch and Wesley Dykes.

Crystal: I would have to agree with my sisters, of course. I also adore Zayn Phallic, Rhys Pieces, Victoria Sin, Eva Wonder, Joey Fourr, and of course Vanessa Feltz and Frankie from the Saturdays.

Electra: My fellow Denims, plus Le Gateau Chocolat, Lucy McCormick, Chanukah Lewinsky, David Hoyle, Dickie Beau and the Labour Party are just hilarious right now.

After a show where in London do you each like to relax and let off steam?

Crystal: I love going to Highgate Cemetery to summon my first husband Nosferatu, and then nipping down Soho House to drop a dump in their loos before being escorted out for wailing about socialism.

Aphrodite: Saturday brunch with my seven kids at Claridges immediately followed by a spin marathon with my personal trainer, Culotte.

Shirley: It’s a toss up between M&M’s world or West Norwood Cemetery Catacombs

Glamrou: At the Mosque, or a gay sauna. Often both simultaneously.

What can we expect in the show at the Soho Theatre?

Glamrou: A show conceived for the Superbowl halftime show stuffed into an Off-West-End theatre space.

Shirley: Total unequivocal joy and an extremely flammable beehive wig.

Electra: Pop, politics and epic vocals: it will be the best night of your lives EVER, guaranteed… or your money back. Not really. We’re keeping the money.

Aphrodite: You can expect to hear breathtaking live vocals by five hilarious and unique queens who’ll make you want to jump up and join them while they sing and dance their truths.

Crystal: Really amazing socks.

Tickets from or 0207 478 0100

Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, Soho, W1.

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