In Pictures

Halfway II Heaven: Sunday 11 November

Halfway II Heaven: Sunday 11 November 

Over the past decade Remembrance Sunday has become something special at Halfway II Heaven but this year’s was nothing short of sensational. 

Halfway is known as a safe place for LGBT+ military and ex military folk and especially on Remembrance Sunday and this year with the actual day falling on Sunday and it being the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One it was always going to be special. Crystal D’Canter and Kelly Mild were on gorgeous form as was guest Krystal Ball, we got heartfelt and moving songs plus great stories. The venue was packed with regulars including many LBGT+ military. It was a lovely afternoon, a genuine and appropriate celebration, well done to Heather, her team, CK, Justin and everyone who was there. A special day indeed.  

CK are back this Sunday at Halfway II Heaven

Photos by Angus Wharton

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