In Pictures

The Two Brewers: Sunday 18 November

The Two Brewers: Sunday 18 November 

We hadn’t been to The Two Brewers on a Sunday for a while, but we are very glad we did last weekend.

The Power of Three is the amazing weekly cabaret threesome that continues to pack them in and it’s easy to see why. First up was Miss Jason with what we can only describe as a masterclass in how to work a room, literally the whole room, she hardly seemed to spend any time on the stage and we loved it. Next up was the always brilliant Charlie Hides with songs, impressions and laughs galore. The evening ended with more smut and filth from Sandra and that’s how it should be. We had a fantastic night and were still chuckling as we headed home, tired from laughing so much. 

This Sunday is the World AIDS Day fundraiser at The Two Brewers

Photos by Angus Wharton

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