In Pictures

The Two Brewers: Saturday 8 December

Last Saturday night we headed south for a night of great music and huge laughs at the cabaret mothership that is The Two Brewers.

The Boyz Award-winning venue was already packed when we arrived with a gorgeous mixed crowd in every sense of the word, happy smiling faces all intent on having fun. We were treated to two amazing performances, first up was X Factor star and all round hottie Seann Miley Moore who performed tracks from his hot new EP. Seann was followed by the always brilliant Charlie Hides, who was on dazzling form with great songs and faster-than-light zingers. We had a great night and ended up throwing shapes on the dancefloor to cutie pie DJ Chris Brogan until chucking out time. Marvellous.

Danny Beard is at The Two Brewers this Saturday

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