
New Year’s Eve at The Two Brewers: Interview with General Manager Jimmy Smith

It’s been a momentous year for Jimmy and the team at The Two Brewers with a big refit and a series of massive events from Drag Idol to the Royal Wedding and in-between the best cabaret acts and club nights on offer. Dave Cross had a catch up with General Manager Jimmy Smith to talk 2018, New Year’s Eve  with Miss Jason and Sandra, and his plans for The Brewers for 2019.


Hi Jimmy, how has 2018 been at The Brewers? 

2018 has been our busiest year on record, we have been non-stop all year. I sometimes wonder how we do it, but I have a great team who never fail to surprise me.

With things like Drag Idol, the Royal Wedding, Pride, your refit and much more, what’s been the highlight of the year for you? 

For me it was having the re-fit this year. It has been long overdue, although we have a new lick of paint each year, I think the last big investment we had was way back in 1997 when we still had boarded up windows and the cabaret was in the back room. It’s just so exciting to come in each day to a fresh looking Brewers – the old girl has got a lot more life in her yet! With events, I couldn’t possibly choose one, each has its own highlights, although I do enjoy hosting the charity nights. It’s so important to us that we can help out good causes whenever we can.

You have the biggest and best UK cabaret acts at The Brewers, can you say what makes a great Brewers’ act? 

There is no simple answer to that question as different acts work well on different nights of the week and events, but for me personally it’s how they interact with the crowd. 

How do you choose who to book? 

I always like to see acts and hear DJs myself before I book them, just to see how they work the crowd. You would be surprised how many acts we have picked out of competitions, and then helped and encouraged into the fabulous acts they are today. And I know we are very lucky that all of our acts and customers are so loyal to us and each other.

There’s lots of talk re: Drag Race UK, and suggestions that some of your residents should enter, do you think they should, is it a good thing? 

I would love to see all of them go for it and show the world what they can do.
I will support any of them that want to enter and I am sure they will get all of the support of the Two Brewers’ customers too.

Can you tell us what we can expect on New Year’s Eve?

One of the best parties in town and of the year, of course! Sandra and Miss Jason will be up to all their usual shenanigans and will be joined by special guest Alison Jiear, with her anthem, I Just Wanna Fucking Dance. We have four DJs, DJ Demon, Liam Chaplin, Chris Brogan and Phil Marriott welcoming you into 2019.

Sounds like fun…

It will be the campest, high energy New Year’s Eve party you have ever been too! 

And New Year’s Day? 

Well as they will be in no fit state to get home after New Year’s Eve, Sandra and Miss Jason will be sleeping in the cellar and working the recovery session on New Year’s Day.

Any plans you can reveal for 2019? 

We will be giving you everything from 2018 and sooo much more. There are a few surprises coming but for now, it’s top secret… no spoilers. 

The Two Brewers. 114 Clapham High Street, SW4.

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