
Drag Idol 2019 launches

Drag Idol is back just when the people of the UK need some glitz, glamour and big laughs. The national cabaret talent competition is now in its 15th year with heats in 18 venues across the country. Cabaret acts and performers of every kind and every gender are welcome to enter; ‘drag’ is a small word covering an almost limitless range of performers. Forget The Avengers, we assembled and spoke to a gorgeous group of Drag Idol superheroes about what this contest means to them and how winning it or taking part affected them.

Felix Le Freak – Winner 2018 

‘The year I won was my second time of entering, I’d been unable to complete my journey the year before and felt I had unfinished business and really wanted to try again. I think acts can learn a lot from the heats, you get a chance to perform in different venues that you maybe wouldn’t have thought were your type before. I was welcomed so brilliantly by the crowd and team at Halfway II Heaven, which was a surprise to me, as I thought it was more traditional, but in fact they just love cabaret of every kind so much and want to be entertained and they have continued to support me since winning for them.’

Tracy La Bouche – Winner 2017

‘Winning Drag Idol proved to me that everyone thinks I’m really good looking, pretty, a stunning performer, you name it… and if you enter Drag Idol, it could do the same for you.’

Danny Beard – Winner 2016 

‘La Voix encouraged me to enter, and at first I was nervous and put it off, but in the end decided to do it and entered here at The Brewers, I thought if I did it London and failed, no one would know at home in Manchester. Taking part in the contest really made me think about my act, doing the heats made me more disciplined and helped me bring it all together, so by the end, after The Final I did actually have a proper full show ready to go. And winning Drag Idol, it seriously did change everything, the next morning I was getting emails and calls from venues, even ones that weren’t in the competition offering me gigs. So if anyone out there is thinking of entering, just do it, you literally have nothing to lose.’

Tia Kofi (The Vixens) – Runners Up 2016 

‘The Vixens had never actually performed to an audience before we entered Drag Idol and thanks to the competition and being the runners up for Halfway we got our residency there… every Saturday, 10pm… and everything else that’s followed. We learnt so much during the competition, that first heat I was so nervous, my hand shook holding the mike. I looked like a glittery thumb with a pony tail and Dixie had a bizarre pan European accent. If you’re entering this year, take on board what the judges say, but commit to what you are, don’t think ‘oh this is what I need to do to win’, be your own act.’

LoUis CYfer – Winner 2015

‘I really think that a drag king winning Drag Idol helped open doors in a lot of venues for female performers. There were a lot of venues I played as winner who really needed convincing that someone who wasn’t a conventional drag queen could work in their venue. To be honest it didn’t always work, but there were a lot that by the third song the crowd were into it and I think that’s helped shift things across the scene. Drag Idol is a good thing for encouraging new talent and we need more female assigned talent and more BAME performers to enter too.’

Tanya Hyde – winner 2008

‘I was only 19 when I entered and I honestly didn’t really know much about drag, the advice I got from judges and hosts, especially Crystal and Kelly was invaluable and my act improved a lot during the heats. The judges are there to help and advise you, so you need to listen to what they say, but also don’t try and just copy other acts, we don’t need another Tanya and certainly not another Baga, be yourself and create your own space on the scene.’

Drag Idol Launch Party

The Drag Idol Launch Party is on Thursday 4 April at The Two Brewers and everyone is welcome to attend. For people entering this year it’s a great way to meet other contestants, the organisers and past winners or if you just love drag then is a totally fun night out with performances by Danny Beard and Felix Le Freak. 

Get information of how to sign up and about heats at your favourite venues at





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