
A Simple Space by Gravity & Other Myths at Underbelly: Press night review by Stephen Vowles 

Gravity & Other Myths’ mutual skill and respect for each other both in mind and in body is stupendous. The level of faith and trust is so perfect that the slogan on the acrobats show poster ‘Defying Gravity’ seems to encapsulate what they are all about. They have this act down pat and years of commitment to their respective crafts is remarkable to witness. Every sinew is stretched, every muscle contorted, their core strength is breathtaking and you can only marvel and feel your heartbeat quicken as they perform the routines.

Special mention has to be made of  Annalise Moore and Benton Adam-Walker who both show no fear. This is compelling showmanship and high praise has to be offered to the team of seven creators that put this together. The complete and utter synchronicity demonstrated is thrilling. The packed house could clearly be heard uttering gasps of enjoyment wondering how  it was at all possible that the human body can do this? With feats of stamina including holding the breath and tricks with party balloons, the show also had cheeky comedy moments that just made the audience warm to these artistes even more. Extraordinary in delivery. A true highlight of this year’s Underbelly. Captivating, bordering on the mythical!


A Simple Space runs to Sunday 5 May at Underbelly, 30 The Queen’s Walk, Southbank, Lambeth, London SE1 8XX. Box office 0333 344 4167

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