
May Day weekend at The Two Brewers

May Day! May Day! If you need some world-class cabaret and clubbing fun this Bank Holiday weekend then get your dancing shoes on, prepare your laughing gear for a workout and head to the Clapham cabaret mothership that is The Two Brewers. Dave Cross spoke to the captain of the ship, aka Jimmy Smith, to find out more.

Hey Jimmy, how has 2019 been so far at The Brewers? 

Hi Dave, the year so far has been really busy for us, but also really amazing with lots of top cabaret acts and live PAs from Sam Bailey, Lucie Jones and more coming up. We also started The Power of Four with Myra DuBois joining the other girls every Sunday; she’s a great addition.

How was the Easter weekend? 

As always it was incredibly busy. We had our resident queens on as well as some new faces, all topped up with a great charity event raising over £1600 for Pride in London.

You’ve got another packed Bank Holiday weekend, what’s on Friday and Saturday?

We start the party weekend on Friday with Ruggercub from the Kings Cross Steelers and the rugby boys’ blind date followed by Miss Thunderpuyssy on at midnight. Saturday we have the amazing Miss Penny on at 11.30pm. It’s gonna be a big one again.

And the line-up for the Power of Four on Bank Holiday Sunday? 

You know we do love our Bank Holiday Sundays and this time we have The Power of Four with our resident queens Mary, Jason and Sandra joined by The Vivenne, who was amazing last time she was here. Plus James John DJing in the club all the way till 4am.

What’s happening on Bank Holiday Monday? 

This time we have The Power of Three helping us to cure the Sunday hangover from 5.30pm 

How is Drag Idol looking this year? 

We have been super busy with the applicants and after the first heat I can already say it is going to be a very strong year with a lot of new faces but also some familiar ones. It was a very tough decision on the first heat so we are really looking forward to what the rest of the competition will bring. It’s on every Wednesday with Danny Beard, a great fun night for all of us.

What else is coming up?

We have the Eurovision week coming up in May – we are showing all the semi finals here with Lola and Titti la Camp. On Friday night we are joined by last year’s UK entry Surie! The end of May Bank Holiday we celebrate Bear Pride with Angie Brown and Danny Beard on Saturday and a charity for Gay Switchboard on Monday. Later in the year we obviously have the Pride in London party and our famous Street Party that we are already working on – it’s gonna be another busy year for us.

Details at 

The Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4.

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