
Royal Trash: Trashy Queen at The RVT on Friday 10 May

This Friday DJ and promoter David Robson is back at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern with another Trashy Queen party night. Dave Cross spoke to David about inspiration, music, performers and more.

Hi David, aliens have landed… how do you describe Trashy Queen at The RVT to them?  

If you like your pop music served up hard with a side of satire and sex, then this is the night for you Aliens! It’s a camp old fun night with familiar tunes to dance around your handbag all night long with some top notch entertainment to boot.  

How did Trashy Queen come about? 

Funny story, I was called it once by someone in a rather shaming way and I thought actually, there’s a lot of fun to be had with that. Turn it around, own it and create a place for all the trashy queens. Trash means so many different things and is often used in a negative way so it’s a celebration of popular culture be it through trashy telly, trashy music or your favourite trashy celebrities. The concept is rooted in telling shame to fuck off. 

Why The Royal Vauxhall Tavern?

Trashy, Vauxhall….where else could it be? Joking aside it’s always a privilege to do something at The RVT. It’s such a magical space. It’s also the perfect venue to do something that is a club night, but with a show element. There’s nowhere else quite like it. Especially with a decent sound system and lighting.

What is the music policy at Trashy Queen? 

Pop music from the 00s and 10s but on the dance side. If it’s a pop diva with a camp EDM or electro pop hit over the last 20 years I’m sure it’ll be played. Think Beyonce, Rihanna, Gaga, Robyn, Goldfrapp and of course the Queen – Madonna. Lady Lloyd really knows her pop as does Craig Jones so they’re both the perfect DJs to play Trashy Queen. That and they’re both utter trash too! I’m sure they have some treats in store for us. Maybe Lloyd will even play her new song? She should perform it actually, apparently The Kardashians are fans.  

Talk us through the performers at the party? 

Oh we’ve got a bit of everything! Some drag, circus and comedy. The performers are an important part of Trashy Queen, they bring the satirical element of the night. That’s why I think TVTV is such a great act. He’s done every Trashy Queen because it’s visual, funny with so many popular culture references. Just what you need at a club night – something elevating. Taylor Trash is a great character to have too. She doesn’t just do a turn and leave. She’s a part of the night. Walking around wearing very little, making everyone feel welcome. This time we’ve also got Danny Ash performing. He’s a cheeky one. He’s gonna be bringing his circus act for us and promises to get his bum out so you won’t be disappointed.

What else do you have planned in 2019?

Getting to 2020 is the main goal. Other then that, I’m bringing my annual L-U-V Madonna bash back to The Grand on August 16 (Her birthday). Last year’s was such an amazing night that I didn’t want to mess with its legacy, but then she’s released a new album and left me no choice but to do it all again. Out at Clapham (the monthly LGBT Film club at Clapham Picturehouse) are doing a Eurovison screening on the 18 May and we hope to have Rocketman not long after. Oh and Trashy Queen will be back at The RVT in September. #BusyMum

And finally, is the party just an excuse for the photoshoot? 

How very dare you Dave! It’s all part of a concept… But I mean it’s a great excuse isn’t it? Sam and Kane are very popular boys. Not hard to see why. Hopefully the party will lead to similar photoshoots. We wanted to poke fun at the chill-out scene but also stop shaming. So we’re using a scenario that might be familiar to some and turning it on its head. Don’t sit at home on Grindr all weekend. There’s plenty to be had out in London. Come see us for some pop, entertainment and all round lovely people.

Trashy Queen is this Friday 10 May at The RVT. Advance tickets from £5 at

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11.


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