
All the way to eleven: The Legs Eleven Gang Show at The RVT this Sunday

This Sunday evening – following Charlie Hides at Sunday Social – is a special charity night at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern. The Legs Eleven Gang Show will feature stars of the hit West End show Everybody’s Talking About Jamie including Vileda Moppe, Vinegar Strokes and Bianca Del Rio. Dave Cross caught up with Miss Moppe to find out more.

Hi Miss Moppe, who the hell are the legs Eleven Gang?

Hi darling! Well you know me I don’t like to talk about it, but I am a West End star. In our show, Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, Jamie performs at a local drag night in his home town of Sheffield. The night is called Legs Eleven, and I play one of the three regular queens, Laika Virgin, along with James Gillan as Tray Sophisticay and Vinegar Strokes as Sandra Bollock. Then heading up the pack is the grande dame herself Loco Chanelle, who as you may have gathered is played by the virtually unknown and quite frankly overrated Bianca Del Rio. We are the girls who entertain the good people of Sheffield.

Talk us through everyone who’s in the show at The RVT?

So there’s obviously the four of us and you’re also going to be treated to Sejal Keshwala who plays Ray in the show along with her girl group Divalution. You’ll be getting Courtney Bowman, who plays Fatima. Then they’ll sing, along with one of our amazing swings Biancha Syznal, our West End Eurovision entry, Toy. You’ll also get to see the real life Jamie in action, as well as more secret special guests.

What else can we expect on Sunday at the RVT?

Well Dave it’s a good old fashioned Gang Show, lots of fun, laughs and a variety of great acts. It’s also Diversity Role Models’ 8th birthday that night so I’m sure there will be a party atmosphere in the room as we celebrate what they have achieved over the last eight years.

Was it a bribe or blackmail to get Bianca to host?

Well as you know Bianca is a very meek and humble queen. She’s nice to everyone she meets and always wants to find ways of helping people. Who am I kidding she’s a hateful old trollop. We’ve had to listen to her sing eight shows a week, quite frankly the LGBT+ community deserve some sort of pay back for her torturous vocals.

For those who don’t know, what does Diversity Role Models do?

Diversity Role Models is an education focussed charity that create and deliver workshops in schools about LGBT issues, specially designed to promote visibility and inclusion whilst addressing and reversing homophobic bullying. They also provide free education resources on the subject and most importantly give a platform to young LGBT+ people and allies to support LGBT+ pupils and speak to them about their own lives and their experiences.

Why did you choose them for your charity?

This is a world where elected MEPs are openly calling for a gay cure and Tory leadership candidates for the exclusion of LGBT subject matter from relationships education in schools. This is a world where two women can be attacked on a bus by 15 to 18 year olds just for who they are. Diversity Role Models is a charity fighting back with education in the hope that when you get to 18, you don’t think that is an okay thing to do. In the hope that when you represent the citizens of your country, that you represent them all, regardless of how they were born and who they love. Diversity Role Models actively supports LGBT people through their formative years so they can grow up knowing they don’t have to suffer these indignities, that they are not victims, that they deserve to be equal. Jamie is a show about finding yourself and being undeniably you. Diversity Role Models helps young people do that every day. That’s why they’re our charity.

Anything else we should know?

Please know that ticket availability on the door will be very limited, so be patient if you’re hoping to get in on the night. If you’re all set, make sure you come with full hearts and full wallets as we will be running a raffle and collecting donations throughout the evening; all proceeds will be going to Diversity Role Models. Can’t wait to see you all there.

Entry is £5 donation

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11.

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