
Review: Bitches Ahoy at the Above The Stag Theatre

Bitches Ahoy at the Above The Stag Theatre

Sometimes a sequel or another story that contains the same characters can be a let down, but this is not the case with Martin Blackburn’s Bitches Ahoy, the follow-up piece to his Alright Bitches performed last year at the same venue.

This is a very funny and witty comedy and there is not a dull moment throughout the entire performance. The cast are so in tune with each other that the gags they deliver come quick and fast and are uttered with a bitchy crispness that is hilarious.

The five actors have great comic timing and understand how to play comedy, especially when the perfect execution of farce is required. In true homage to the Carry On films, there is plenty of smut, innuendo and an entire sequence in the play where the use of metaphor mainly based on sailing vernacular is woven into the script. Conversations between the characters are very believable and Blackburn’s clever use of scene within a scene is directed by Andrew Beckett with skill and flair.

The story, which also tackles the qualms involved in handling relationships, sees two couples, Patrice and
Pam, played by Simon Burr and Hannah Vesty. She is smitten by Patrice but little does she know all is not what it seems. Then there’s Ethan Chapples as Garth with Chris Clynes as Drew, who are taking a gay cruise courtesy of the discount of their cabin steward friend, played with wonderful arrogance by Lucas Livesey as Max, who really only has his friends’ best interests at heart. His character also delivers some of the best putdowns and one-liners.

Additional praise has to also be laid at the feet of Miss Vesty, who is without a doubt one of the best comedy actresses I’ve seen in recent months, a natural comedienne. As the plot unfolds, there is high drama, high jinx and raised passions all on the high seas. Great fun.


Bitches Ahoy runs until Sunday 26 February at the Above the Stag Theatre, 17 Miles Street, Vauxhall, London, SW8 1RZ. Book tickets via


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