
Zeus On The Loose: Review by Stephen Vowles 

Written by Emma Rollason, this quirky and wonderfully weird look at the behaviour of the Greek Gods on Mount Olympus is packed full of amusing set scenes including ariel works and sexy dance routines that clearly showcased the art of body movement to put across lustful and extremely sexy performances. This is a very good example of fantasy theatre held together by a tight ensemble with special mention to Penni Tovey as Hera, whose vocal range was fabulous, and an incredible Vicky Vox as Hades. 

This is wonderful tale of double cross and a woman scorned, and with immediate audience participation, the energy did not diminish at all. With clever use of LED screen and lighting effects, high production values especially with the costumes, this blend of panto, disco and burlesque will be a hit for sure. Who knew a mash up of myth could be so funny? Hosted by Gaydio presenter Dean McCullough as Apollo whose cheeky persona was so perfect. Great fun, unique adult entertainment. High camp values.


Zeus On The Loose runs to the 19 October at Fire nightclub, Vauxhall. Tickets via

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