
Are you the new Vixen? The VIX Factor at Halfway II Heaven

The Vixens are the all conquering, Boyz Award-winning, panto writing, drag girl group based at Halfway II Heaven. This week the cabaret scene has been rocked by the news that group member Dixie Delight has left the group. But never fear, the band goes on and this Tuesday (7 Feb) Halfway launches VIX Factor, the search for the new Vixen with the help of hostess Tanya Hyde. Dave Cross caught up with remaining members Tia Kofi and Fanny Fierce about their hunt for a new star.

Hello Tia and Fanny, we’re shocked to learn that like all great girl groups a member has left – what’s happening to Dixie?

Tia: She’s dead.

Fanny: No she’s not. We also have boy jobs during the day, shocking I know. She needs to focus on the boring boy stuff for a while. So she’s just taking a break, for now. Never say never…

Was there any ever doubt that you two would carry on?

Fanny: Not at all, we always knew it was likely to come to a Sugababe moment, so why not do a competition to find a new band mate.

Tia: The redhead always leaves first, Geri leaving the Spice Girls or Siobhan leaving the Suagbabes. Let it be known that the black one was the last woman standing in the Sugababes though – watch out Fanny, you’re next for the chop.

Tell us about VIX Factor?

Fanny: It’s the ultimate drag competition – six girls, four weeks throughout February, special guest judges and a whole lot of sass. Well, hopefully…

Tia: Yep! Every Tuesday in February, come down to Halfway II Heaven for an incredible show. The six girls who are trying out are some of the most talented young queens we’ve seen on the scene, so it’s going to be exciting.

What do you think will make the perfect new Vixen?

Tia: I’m looking for amazing vocals, on-point choreography and a bold look that can translate into the Vixen aesthetic. Of course, the one thing they must have above all is the VIX Factor. Everyone will bring it differently, but I want to see that raw Vixen energy on stage.

Fanny: I think being a Vixen is about being able to bring something different to the table and being able to make it work with your band mates and create something epic. If one of the girls can bring that, they’re in.

What do they have to do in the heats?

Fanny: We really want the girls to get something out of the competition so each week will have different themes and challenges. We want to push the girls to their limits, especially with their singing and choreography, it’s not for the faint hearted.

Tia: It’s all about girl band realness and girl power. For the first challenge, the girls have been split into two rival girl groups. They’ll each be singing a Vixens classic in their groups. Their solo challenge for week one is, of course, the Spice Girls!

It’s two years since you were born, what are your highlights?

Fanny: A personal highlight for me was the Harry Poppers panto. For Jimmy Smith to have put the trust in us to write and produce a panto for the Brewers was a great feeling and when it was finally up and running it was just the most amazing experience. The feedback was also amazing; we couldn’t have been happier.

What are your personal favourite Vixens tunes?

Fanny: It’s a more recent one for us but That’s My Girl by Fifth Harmony is such a great sassy, powerful tune. It’s very Vixenesque and so much fun to sing.

Tia: Mine has to be any time we sing a song that we haven’t had time to rehearse, so we just wing it on stage. Also any Little Mix song we have or will ever do!

The VIX Factor at Halfway II Heaven starts Tuesday 7 February at 9pm. Entry is free.

Halfway II Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, London, WC2N 4JF. 

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