
Pam Ann Returns at The Troxy: Review by Dave Cross

Last Friday night Caroline Reid and her ‘take no prisoners’ alter ego descended on The Troxy in Limehouse for the Poppins themed Pam Ann Returns, a show that would probably unite both PL Travers and Walt Disney in total shock. 

Our favourite First Class layover was on the attack from the moment she landed on the cavernous Troxy stage, the opening 30 minutes was a steam of hilarious zingers and observations, delivered in her trademark brash style, not really giving us or her a chance to breath before she finally said, ‘welcome to the show.’ Although she stuck to mainly airline related stories, woven in were references to the wider world including inevitably Prince Andrew and Brexit. We were also treated to a brand new video of her take on the original Mary Poppins film, and a very funny version of A Spoonful of Sugar. Following the film we got some classic Pam Ann trolly business, a brilliant device she uses to extract information from audience members. Some of those moments were a bit lost in the large space that is the Troxy, which is a shame, as Pam Ann is at her funniest when rifting off audience members and this was no exception. Everything you could want from a London Pam Ann show was here and we loved it. Dave Cross 


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