
Mr Pink comes to London

Swedish author Patrick Hjertén has just published his debut erotic fiction novel Mr Pink. Patrick told us how the story of love and revenge came about.

How did the idea of Mr Pink come to you?  

It was my friend, Irina, who suggested it. She said to me that I should try to write a novel that was like E. L. James but gay. I sat in the car and the name Mr Pink popped up in my head. 

So is it a gay Fifty Shades? 

Yes and no. Mr Grey seems to be very focused on toys, which Mr Pink is not. The similarities are that both men use sex for their own purposes, and that they are a bit emotionally stunted. Both Mr Grey and Mr Pink also meet a person who make them take a look at themselves and revalue who they are. 

Mr Pink publishes a magazine, so that interests us here at Boyz, can you tell us about his “Pink” magazine? 

Mr Pink Magazine is not an exclusively gay magazine but more of a contemporary publication that covers all fields of pop culture. 

Mr Pink is a book very much about jealousy and revenge? Do you think that is a gay thing? 

No, that is not a gay thing. It is a human thing. When it comes to such things, we are all the same. 

And there’s sex in there too? Did you enjoy writing the sex scenes? 

The sex scenes feel for more like a means to an end for me. I also realised that when writing a sex scene with two people of the same gender you have to be precise. Otherwise it is hard to know who is doing what. I prefer writing about people’s emotions and what drives them to do the things they do.  

The book is partly set in London with places like Ku Bar featured, do you like London’s gay life? 

Yes, I do! It has always felt welcoming and I feel at home. I compare to Sweden where people are more reserved, no matter if gay or straight. There is a cultural difference and I am more at ease in the UK. And London is a vibrant city with a fascinating mix of people from all over the world. 

What’s the next book you have planned? 

I am halfway through a completely different book, a bit of an experiment that amuses me. I have also started writing the sequel to Mr Pink. I have a few more adventures in store for him. 

Mr Pink by Patrick Hjertén is published by Matador Books.

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