
Cinderella at The Shaw Theatre: Review by Dave Cross


Cinderella is the all time classic pantomime story and this new production at London’s Shaw Theatre, on the Euston Road directed by Paul Lawrence Thomas has pretty much everything you could want for a festive family outing. 

Even though the show features two of the scene’s favourite drag stars, Cosmic and Topsie Redfern as the Ugly Sisters, this is very much a traditional show. The Fairy Godmother, played with sparkle by Keli Young (of Liberty X fame) introduces the show in classic rhyming style before we meet Cinderella, given a nice wide eyed innocence by Hollie Swanin and Matthew Curier, excellent as Buttons and who proved to be the biggest hit with the kids. The Ugly Sisters make a dramatic entrance, in fact several, in a series of impressive gravity defying outfits and Topsie and Cosmic bring the right amount of chaos and naughtiness to the production. There’s of course a dishy Prince Charming, played by William Tippery and a great comic turn by Gary L Johnston as Dandini. This show has all the panto classic moments, special effects, including the transformation scene that the kids will love, big songs, dance rountines, great sets and many laughs. The show is charming and fun in equal measure and the ideal Christmas trip to for the children in your life or the big kid inside you.


Cinderella is on until  Sunday 29 December at The Shaw Theatre, 100 Euston Road, NW1 Tickets at 

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