
Ku Bar Leicester Square’s 10th anniversary on Valentine’s weekend

The original Ku Bar opened on Charing Cross Road in December 1995. After it closed its doors in December 2006 it reopened bigger and better than ever at its current Lisle Street location on Valentine’s Day 2007. Ten years later and the Ku Bar team is celebrating the Leicester Square venue’s 10th anniversary with a weekend of Valentine’s delights. Here we speak to a couple of couples, a few singletons and give a rundown of this weekend’s love-in and talk to Ku owner Gary Henshaw.


How long have you guys been together and where did you meet?

David: We just hit the four year mark in January. It’s gone so f**king fast I can’t actually believe it!

Claudio: We met on 9 January 2013 in the late Shadow Lounge when David was running Gigolo party. He asked me to have a photo taken, stripped me and fell in love. I needed to lock that shit down so I made sure to get a kiss before I left
that night.

What’s the most romantic thing the other has done for you? 

D: Been there 24/7 every day of my life since we met.

C: The romance is in all the little moments such as a cuddle while I’m washing the dishes or coming to talk with me while I’m on the toilet.

What do you love most about the other?

D: The entire creation of him. His ability to learn. Everything really. Except him answering me back; that is just not on.

C: There is no least or most; life is just better with David in it.


What qualities do you look for in a boyfriend?

Someone that is as crazy as me! Of course I love someone with a passion and drive for life, as well as someone quite career minded. But my life is also a bit of a hurricane – I don’t know what challenges, tasks and goals I have week-to-week. I can also be an emotional wreck when it comes to appreciating the smallest things in life, so if anyone’s up for a spontaneous ‘let’s go for it’ life but appreciates all that’s around us, I’m all yours!

What does someone have to do to get your attention this Valentine’s?

Passion. That’s it. Show me your passion for life, for love, your work, for being someone great and being someone to others. I adore someone that knows what they want and fights for it.

Describe your perfect date.

Ha! Oh blimey, I haven’t a clue. It’d have to be away from the buzz, away from Soho, away from everyone we know, to just be ourselves. I’m least confident when I’m away from all the busy nights and events and costumes, so for someone to see me out of that would be something special; a meal, a movie, an adventure of some sort.

Vicki Vivacious

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?

I have never really understood Valentine’s Day. You should love the person every day of the year, not just on
14 February.

Describe your perfect date.

The way to my heart is through my stomach; feed me and I’m yours.
A perfect date would be a meal followed by plenty of Prosecco!
Oh and then coffee at mine…

Have you ever had a Valentine’s nightmare?

I have to say I have never had a bad Valentine’s Day simply because I have never really celebrated it. I remember last year being in bed with a fever and an inner ear infection. How romantic. My partner at the time didn’t make me a Lemsip let alone get me roses. Tighter than a duck’s ass!

Damien and Dominic

What three things do you have in common?

Dominic: We agree I’m batshit crazy. We love the cinema and have similar tastes in music.

Damien: A love of Ariana Grande. We’re both good gift givers. And our spooning positions fit together perfectly.

And what are your biggest differences?

Damien: He uses a million Lush products and knows all the ingredients by heart; I just use an all-in-one body wash from the corner shop. He’s an extrovert and I’m an introvert. He loves to dance and I have white girl rhythm.

What’s the most romantic thing the other has done for you?

Dominic: Probably the things he does all the time. The little things that show just how much attention he pays when I don’t think anyone has even noticed. Like taking me to Thorpe Park for our first date because I’d mentioned it before. The Polaroid he got me for Christmas because it’s something I’d always wanted. And the weights he bought me when he knew I was unhappy with my body.

Damien: He knows I hate talking to strangers so spent weeks planning a dinner with his friends for me to meet them. I went dreading human contact and he surprised me with.

Mattia and Stefanos

What is your relationship status?

Mattia: In a relationship

Stefanos: Single. My dance jobs are my orgasms.

Who would be your ideal man and why?

M: Zac Efron is fit, smart and funny.

S: Luke Evans because he’s straight looking, mysterious and has a sexy voice.

What’s the worst chat up line you’ve ever heard?

M: “Oh, you’re Australian; I’ve had three so far, it will be four tomorrow with you.” I used it once when very drunk.

S: Some guy said to me: “Is your father a confectioner? Because you look like candy to me.”

Gary Henshaw, Owner of Ku Bars

“Ten years ago, on Valentine’s Day 2007 at 7pm, Ku Leicester Square opened its door. How time flies. It was the biggest, scariest and riskiest business chance I have ever taken in my career – life savings, brewery promises and a lot of bluffing. The risk paid off and the dream came true. Over the last 10 amazing years Ku Leicester Square has firmly established itself as an iconic London venue and a must-visit space for all LGBT tourists. Thank you to our amazing customers, who range from 18 to 80, and of course I am so proud of the entire team who work at making Ku great and keeping it at the top of its game.”

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