RuPaul's Drag Race UK

Meet The Vivienne: The winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK

The first series of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK has been a big hit with both the critics and the public. All ten drag stars have received loads of attention and have just completed the official Drag Race tour, but of course there can only be one winner and it’s The Vivienne. We spoke to her about her time on the show, her history and what’s next.

First of all, congratulations from everyone at Boyz on winning – how are you feeling about everything?

Thank you very much. I went into the show not expecting anything really, so it’s just been fantastic.

How has the tour been?

It’s been really good. I think all the girls would say this has been a chance to show people what we can really do in a live setting. 

How are people reacting to you now? 

It’s crazy, people don’t often know what drag queens look like out of drag, but they do with us now from the show. I’ve had people stopping me in the street for selfies and to just say hello. It’s really mad, but nice.

When was the first time you did drag, what was the first frock you put on? 

It was at my last school disco, I was just about to leave school at 16. I wanted to go out with a bang, I was on the rugby team, so I thought fuck it and I dressed up as Britney in her VMA performance of Gimme More. 

How did they react? 

Everyone loved it. I think there’s a very grainy video somewhere on YouTube.

And how do you get from that to be a professional performer, to being The Vivienne?

I moved to Liverpool when I was 16 to be a makeup artist. I discovered the gay nightlife scene and I saw these amazing creatures of the night, dressing up, having fun and being paid. I asked one of the bar owners if I could do the door in drag, I think he gave me £30 and a bottle of WKD Blue and it went from there really. I’ve just worked at my performance and the impersonations, but that’s how it started. 

Getting back to the show, each episode we see an hour of edited TV, but what goes into that? 

Each episode took two days to film. We’d have one day in the work room and then another on the runway. But the key thing is, there’s no re-takes, you can’t say ‘sorry can I do that again’ if you fuck something up, it’s all genuine reactions and chat. 

What do you think you got from the actual process?

Oh it definitely pushed me into different areas and pushed the limits of my drag. 

Did you actually enjoy it? 

Obviously it’s a competition and I wasn’t sure how I’d deal with it and it was a lot of hard work, but yes, I did and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I had a brilliant time. 

We were very moved when you spoke about your problems with addiction on the show, was that something you’d planned to do? 

No, not at all. It was never a conversation I wanted to have on camera. I hadn’t told my family at that stage, but it kind of just came out in a big burst and then I thought, this is for the best and realised I did want to talk about it. I think if you can share a story like that and it helps anyone else that’s got to be good.

What’s the reaction been like to that?

Amazing, I’ve had lots of people talking to me about it at the tour ‘Meet and Greets’ and relaying their own stories or stories about family members and thanking me for speaking about it. 

The show was really well received, but there were comments that it wasn’t as diverse as the UK scene is, with no female performers, drag kings, what do you think about that? 

I do believe that everyone should have the same chances when it comes to performing and get the same opportunities. Drag Race started 12 years ago, but now the world has changed and personally I would love to include trans and female performers. 

What’s next for The Vivienne?

I have loads of gigs coming up and my show with Baga Chipz, Morning T&T with me as Trump and Baga is doing Maggie Thatcher is on World of Wonder now and I’m off to LA in February to film my TV show with World of Wonder, so it is all happening.

Finally is there anything you’d like to say to Boyz readers? 

Thank you for all the support, it’s been amazing and please come and see a live show, that’s the real thing. 

Get more information on social media at @THEVIVIENNEUK

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