
Original songs and music from Grindr The Opera: Review by Stephen Vowles

Stephen Vowles listens to The Original Cast Recording of Grindr The Opera – and loves it!

Seldom does an original cast recording capture the essence of a live performance but with Erik Ransom’s Grindr The Opera [An unauthorised parody] this is most certainly achieved with ease as the songs offer a vibrant and energetic addition to the play. It is without question one of the most successful scores to act as a plot device I have heard in recent years.

With a cast featuring Ryan Anderson as Tom, Occulto played by Tom Blackmore, Robby Khela as Dilectus and the exceptional vocal talent of Christian Lunn as Grindr and lastly Devon, Jack and Don played by David Malcolm, William Spencer and Dereck Walker respectively, the masculinity and pure talent shines and reverberates out of the speakers.

This original cast recording features the London cast and clearly demonstrates that as artists the British cast were the equals to their American cousins. You hear this in the performance of Manhunt and Grindr’s Aria performed by Lunn and the incredible rendition of The Tangled Web by the whole cast making this recording a huge success. The soundtrack features 29 toe-tapping, clap along, whistle out loud songs that will embed into your memory.

Aaron Clingham on piano heads up the band and his fellow band members are all maestros of their instruments. As an avid collector of soundtracks, be it film or stage, I can wholeheartedly suggest you add this to your collection. As the poster for the soundtrack informs ‘You’ll all be mine forever’ – and this is not in dispute.

A punchy, witty soundtrack that is pure class with show-stopping numbers that can be enjoyed over and over.


The Original Cast Recording of Grindr The Opera is available on iTunes now – Click Here

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