
Review: The Boys in the Band at the Vaudeville Theatre

The Boys in the Band at the Vaudeville Theatre

When I heard that this landmark play was getting a further run and it was going to be at the Vaudeville Theatre I was, to say the least, overjoyed. Simply due to the fact that this impressive and magnificent production of Matt Crowley’s play needs to be seen by as many people as possible and taking into a much larger auditorium would do just that.

Mark Gatiss continues to shine as Harold, the self loathing Jew who Michael, played by Gatiss’ real life husband, Ian Hallard, throws a party for. The play is sensational and with a larger space to work in the actors’ gestures and spoken retorts are amplified to terrific effect. This time round though it’s Messrs James Holmes as Emory and John Hopkins as Alan that get the acting nods. They both excel in the respective roles and explode with passion and true vigour as the clash between them forms an integral part of the play.

This is theatre at its best where a cast of truly talented actors have gelled and made relevant today a play that was written nearly 50 years ago. A mesmerising night of pure wit, anxiety, love and true friendship.

The Boys in the Band runs until Saturday (18 Feb) at the Vaudeville Theatre, 404 Strand, London, WC2R 0NH

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