Boyz magazine

Boyz is Back! Boyz magazine will return for its first issue since lockdown on Tuesday 6th October.

We are delighted to inform you that we will be publishing and distributing our “Boyz is Back!” issue on Tuesday 6th October, the first issue of Boyz since lockdown.

There is no specific government guidance advising bars and shops not to distribute magazines like Boyz.

If you run a gay venue, shop or other business and would like to take this opportunity to inform the Boyz readership that you too are back in business, please contact our sales team, by calling Stephen Vowles on 07561 836581 or email [email protected]

If you call us now we can pencil in editorial features or photos for you in this first issue of Boyz since lockdown.

Advertising artwork will need to be with us by Wednesday 30th September.

The Boyz team are working on the editorial and advertising now and we look forward to sharing this special issue with you on Tuesday 6th October.

Thank you for your support.

David Bridle

Managing Editor, Boyz

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