
The Cheerleader by Richard Gough: Book review by Stephen Vowles 

Obviously when you do a cabaret, theatre or restaurant review you are presented with images that stimulate the senses and the words are written accordingly. With a book review it’s the job of the writer – in this case Richard Gough – to present very descriptive scenes, fully formed characters detailing their mannerisms, quirks and how they think and when locations are used that the reader may know them, then all the better. 

Gough’s Cheerleader is a gripping yarn and from the opening pages you get a sense of the world that his characters live and exist in and the trials they face in everyday life. Newly transitioned London underground worker Raagavi Saranthan cannot understand why all these around her are being violently murdered at the hands of serial killer the The Cheerleader and it’s the job of DCI Rachel Cortes to crack the case.

Phrases such as ‘instant page turner’, ‘could not put it down’ are often and perhaps even casually used to rate a book but in this case more than justified. It is clear the Gough has researched the role of a DCI and the training they do and how they interact with people. Gough’s characterisations  are top drawer and his plot twists and turns as the story plays out are plausible, well constructed and written with a profound imagination that does give you the chills – and he does not fail to entertain as the story draws to its end, 

A right royal read, and if there is another Cortes investigation in the works I will be looking out for it and adding it to my list. And if you are taking regular tube journeys be aware, very aware, but no more to be said… 

A thumbs up! 

The Cheerleader by Richard Gough is out now published by The Book Guild. Click on the banner on the Boyz site for more info and to view a trailer that will draw you in. Get your copy now. 

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