
My Life as a Cowboy at The Park Theatre: Review by Stephen Vowles 

Written by Hugo Trimbrell and directed by Nikhil Vyas My Life as a Cowboy is a toe-tapping, finger-snapping hoot which lassoes you in. The three-strong cast – David Angland, Sara Faraj and Tom Taplin – have an on stage chemistry that is both refreshing and absorbing as each of their characters comes to terms with just being themselves and dealing with the fact that life choices can be difficult and the consequences even harder to deal with. Each of them believe dreams can come true, despite cultural differences and even outlook, but because of your faith you have the power to overcome any obstacles put in your way, 

Cowboy is a complete comic delight with a special mention to Taplin as Conor who acts up a storm. Whilst being a lifeguard in the Croydon public swimming pool, Conor finds solace in the world of Country & Western music and with his pals enters Croydon’s People’s Day Talent Contest. It makes him feel alive, with his eye on the prize to win. 

Trimbrell has written an intriguing and interesting play that has keen observational points in it especially when it comes to how people show vulnerability and even being scared of a situation. The comedy aspects of the play fall mainly on the character of Michael played by Angland with a swagger and stance that is very ’street’. This is also a play about a battle of wits, passionate rivalry brought to a head via the Zainab character played by a very watchable Faraj. The three actors bounce off each other and there is a genuine heartfelt connection between the characters as the story plays out. 

The play looks at various emotional issues in a well-crafted informative manner. Vyas has gotten out of his three young vibrant cast members a sense of ‘the three musketeers’ all for one, one for all and this is a fantastic example of what friendship can bring, having a common goal based on a common cause and what bonding can achieve.

As the play comes to its end we get the finale we expect and good it is too, just perfect. Without a doubt a firm and rather boisterous “Yeeha!” from me and yes I will be looking for my Stetson (I do own one). 


Photos: Lidia Crisafulli  

My Life as a Cowboy runs to Friday 27th May at The Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London N4  3JP. Box office: 020 7870 6876

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