
Come Out & Play – an LGBTQ+ themed group exhibition – at BEERS London from 18th June with exhibition text by Russell Tovey

The LGBTQ+ themed exhibition Come Out & Play at BEERS London, curated by artist Andrew Salgado, will be celebrating internationally-based queer artists “whose practice prioritises a bold approach and work that is celebratory, challenging, and progressive”. Actor Russell Tovey has written the forthcoming exhibition text. Come Out & Play’s opening event is on Saturday 18th June from 1pm to 4pm and all LGBTQ+ supporters are welcome.

Study of a living room, Gori Mora

The exhibition presents lesser-known LGBTQ+ artists alongside mid-career or more established artists at work today. Come Out & Play brings artists from all over the world including The Bahamas, Canada, China, Colombia, Germany, Poland, Spain, the UK and the USA. 

Russell Tovey

The forthcoming exhibition text is by actor Russell Tovey who writes: “Come Out & Play is an internationally diverse exploration of humanity. Its themes, told through intimate figuration are highly personal, stories weaved by queer voices which can connect us all in a myriad of ways. These themes are universal. Love. 

“At times we may feel like a voyeur standing in front of them, yet we have been invited in here, granted with the permission to stare, even though our characters rarely confront us with a direct eye-line. Our new friends are bashful, coy, shy, unable to look at us directly but agreeable to the passing glance over their contoured bodies. 

Carry Painting Green Grass, Katherine Bradford

“The timelessness of a look or of a memory, projects a strong nostalgic feeling throughout, it spins and weaves itself into every scene. With a beautiful sensitivity, and soft nurturing caress, this show is an exploration of the body, whether that be their own or of others, longing for touch is omnipresent.” 

Artists showing work at Come Out & Play include Adam Baker, Paul Booth, Katherine Bradford, J. Carino, Giorgio Celin, Wenjie Ding, KEEYA, Kris Knight, Navot Miller, Andrew Moncrief, Gori Mora, Emily Oliveira, Ally Rosenberg, Logan T. Sibrel, Krzysztof Strzelecki, Brea Weinreb and Caleb Yono.

Family Portrait, KEEYA

BEERS London explains the artists included in the exhibition present queerness as manifest through colour and play, a subject matter free from taboo or shame, and a greater practice that responds to the contemporary ideology of what it means to be a queer artist in society. Included works are primarily in – but not limited to – the form of figurative painting.

Jonathon, Adam Baker

Russell Tovey concludes his exhibition text: “This show’s roster of artists, from totally unique walks of lives and backgrounds, essentially make work to fill a space for when words aren’t enough. All working within a unique intensity and feeling, yet all riffing on the same themes that we witness here, and those themes are love.”

The opening event for Come Out & Play is on Saturday 18th June from 1pm to 4pm. All LGBTQ+ supporters and friends are welcome to the opening. Come Out & Play is at BEERS London from 18th June to 16th July at 51 Little Britain, London EC1A 7BH.

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