
The Throne: Charlie Condou as a republican science teacher and Mary Roscoe as the Queen locked together in a school Portaloo!

Charlie Condou and Mary Roscoe talk to Boyz about their roles in The Throne which has its world premiere at the Charing Cross Theatre from Wednesday 29th June – after the opening was delayed by a week due to the planned rail and tube strikes. 

The story of The Throne, a new play by John Goldsmith

It’s 2002, the year of the Golden Jubilee, and everyone at Dudley Goring Comprehensive School is in a state of eager anticipation about the arrival of Her Majesty the Queen who is due to open the new Science block. Everyone, that is, apart from Derek Jones, the school’s Head of Science, an unreconstructed socialist and staunch republican. In a moment of madness, Derek decides to use the temporary ‘facilities’ – a Portaloo which has been specially installed for the Queen’s own personal use. His timing is, as ever, terrible and he is caught in the act by the Queen herself. Embarrassment quickly turns to confusion and then fear as they realise they’ve been locked in the Portaloo by terrorists who have planted a bomb underneath, and any attempt to escape will set it off. With no way to contact the outside world, Derek and Her Majesty are forced to rely on each other as they wait anxiously to discover their fate. But will they find some common ground before it’s too late? 

Charlie Condou as teacher Derek Jones

Until a couple of decades ago, in more reverential times, the Queen was never portrayed on stage or film. Is it a good thing that she is now or does it destroy the mystique of the Monarchy?

Obviously we can’t know what the Queen is actually like behind closed doors so we’re taking a few liberties, but I think it’s really great to imagine her in a social setting (particularly in a Portaloo, as in our show!). I don’t think it destroys any mystique, we’re just having some fun playing with convention.

The Queen was praised for appearing with James Bond at the start of the Olympics and having tea with Paddington Bear at last week’s Platinum Jubilee. What do you think of her acting and comic timing?

The Queen has a reputation for having a wonderful sense of humour and I think she managed those “performances” very well; she maintained a sense of regality at all times whilst also having a little twinkle in her eye suggesting she was in on the joke. I thought she was great!

Have you ever personally met any members of the Royal Family?

Only Barbara Knox (‘Rita’ in Coronation Street), does that count?

What do you think is the future of the Monarchy after the Queen dies?

Who knows? I’m not sure Charles is as popular as his mother, nor do I think he’s up to it if I’m honest, but maybe he’ll come into his own.

Are you a Monarchist or a Republican?

I’m a Republican lite. Like Derek (my character in the play) I find the minor royals a huge waste of space but I absolutely see the value in the Queen and I think she does an incredible job.

Did you have a favourite teacher at school who inspired you?

I had a wonderful teacher, Sara Milne, who taught me drama. She really encouraged me and inspired me to push myself. We’re actually still friends to this day.

Have you based your character on a teacher you knew?

I haven’t based my character on her in any way though, Sara was far cooler than Derek Jones!

Were your school days “the happiest days of your life”?

Most definitely, I loved school. I was expelled from my first secondary and ended up at a “sink comprehensive” (like the one in the play) but I had the best time ever. It was a real social event for me, I had some incredible friends many of whom I still see. Not sure I learnt very much but I definitely played hard!

How would you feel if the Queen turned up in the audience for The Throne?

I’d love her to come but I’d feel a huge need to apologise beforehand for all the shitty stuff I say about the Monarchy!


Mary Roscoe as The Queen

Until a couple of decades ago, in more reverential times, the Queen was never portrayed on stage or film. Is it a good thing that she is now or does it destroy the mystique of the Monarchy?

I think it’s a good thing. When things are hidden from us we have a desire to look deeper and unmask so that we can attempt to understand things better. It gives writers, actors and directors a fabulous playground to invent and imagine!

The Queen is famous for not revealing very much about herself. Was she a blank canvas for you to work with in this play?

I thought it was going to be a blank canvas that I would have to fill in, but actually there are so many clues when you start to research. I was very lucky also to be researching at a time of the Platinum Jubilee. So much has been written and shown in the last few weeks. Elizabeth the Unseen Queen was a revelation. Especially as she narrated it herself.

The Queen was praised for appearing with James Bond at the start of the Olympics and having tea with Paddington Bear at last week’s Platinum Jubilee. What do you think of her acting and comic timing?

I think she should stick to the day job. Just as I couldn’t do hers!

Will you be adding a marmalade sandwich to your handbag on stage for added realism in The Throne?

I couldn’t possibly tell you. That’s a State secret.

Have you ever personally met any members of the Royal Family?

I have met the Queen. Twice. When she came to the theatre. But the first time I didn’t show up to meet her because I was such a raving anti-Royalist. The second time I was a bit older, a bit more mellow, and curiosity got the better of me. It’s a fantastic story that I will tell you if you buy me a drink in the bar at the Charing Cross Theatre. 

What do you think is the future of the Monarchy after the Queen dies?

Well that’s the big debate right now isn’t it? Can it modernise? Can it downsize? Charles has recently been talking about Rwanda – and his opinions are not meant to be heard. Why not…? Perhaps they should be.

Are you a Monarchist or a Republican?

I’m a Republican. I can’t hold with God-given entitlement which I think even the Queen would agree with.

How would you feel if the Queen turned up in the audience for The Throne?

Honoured. Excited. Nervous. Just as I am going to feel about everyone turning up who has paid for a ticket.

The Throne rehearsal photos by Carla Evans




The Throne runs from Wednesday 29th June to Saturday 30th July at Charing Cross Theatre, The Arches, Villiers Street, London WC2N 6NL. Box office: 08444 930 650

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