
CK Sunday’s 9th Birthday at Halfway II Heaven

This Sunday (12 Mar) Crystal D’Canter and Kelly Mild will be celebrating nine years of the weekend madness that is CK Sunday at Halfway II Heaven. Dave Cross spoke to the girls about this much loved cabaret institution, plus Halfway manager Heather tells us what the girls mean to her.

Hello Crystal and Kelly, congratulations on nine years of CK – what were you doing before CK started? 

Kelly: It’s hard to remember a time before CK Sunday. I used to be found at the Two Brewers on a Sunday with my now ex Dave obsessing over Pam Ann and making Sandra do Donna Summer.

Crystal: I can’t remember that far back! I’d not long been through Drag Idol and I was performing Sundays at Molly Moggs, which is where Kelly saw me.

How did CK come about? 

K: After I won Drag Idol, Crystal very kindly took me on the road as her guest. We did a Christmas show together at Halfway and Russell, the manager at the time, asked if we fancied trying a run of four Sundays. And nine years later…

Did you know at those first gigs that there was a chemistry? 

C: The first gigs are a blur but I could see we were equals and helped each other out.

K: We have this ability to make each other laugh over the silliest thing. Ask Crystal about the tea strainer and rubber gloves incident at Claridge’s!

C: I simply cannot begin to tarnish my own reputation by explaining that one… But if you want to know what happened to Kelly and the sperm cocktail in Wolverhampton…

How has the act developed over the past nine years? 

K: We have become a lot closer as friends and I think this has been the key to our longevity as a double act.

C: Sundays have become more relaxed. If something strange or amusing gets us then we can lose an hour chatting with the audience.

The song Suddenly Seymour, from Little Shop of Horrors, has become a real favourite for the CK crowd – how did that happen? 

K: We sang that song at a charity event at Halfway in September 2007. It was a last minute addition and we had no idea we’d still be singing it now.

When you started Halfway wasn’t really a cabaret bar – do you think CK Sunday has helped the venue become a fully fledged cabaret venue? 

K: When Karl Nixon took over as manager he could see how popular CK Sunday and the karaoke nights were. So it made total sense to utilise that space every day of the week.

C: I’d like to think that we have contributed to it.

For anyone who’s never been, can you describe a ‘typical’ CK Sunday? 

K: CK Sunday is like a dysfunctional family gathering. It’s the audience that makes it special. We laugh and cry with each other and sing our hearts out.

C: Part one is us getting to know the audience and singing a few show tunes. In part two the audience gets more involved and part three is CK Disco, 45 minutes of high camp and dance along tunes.

What is it about Halfway that makes the venue so loved?

C: I think it’s the combination of great staff like Charlie, Samantha, Ange and the newer members, plus the fantastic regulars that make it so welcoming.

K: Halfway has heart and that heart is family.

This is your second year hosting and organising Drag Idol – what did you learn from hosting it last year?

C: That it’s a beast of a competition, in a good way. Thankfully we have our gorgeous Jeremy who really is the backbone of admin and deserves a medal.

K: That there’s so much amazing talent out there. Each of the finalists last year could have won and all four will be performing at this year’s launch at the Two Brewers on 22 March.

And how is it shaping up this year? 

K: Applications went through the roof when we launched the website. It’s going to be one hell of a competition.

What can we expect this Sunday at CK 9?

K: Heather is laying on a bubbly reception at 3pm. We will be mingling and getting photos taken with everyone. Showtime is 4pm with special guest Aaron Alexander and the annual CK Awards.

C: The CK Awards are a way for us to say thank you to our audience. And we’re not going anywhere after the show so we’ll likely stay for a Skittle Bomb or two!

“This dynamic duo bring energy and fun to Sundays here at Halfway. Every week CK delivers an amazing show and I’m very lucky to have them here as residents and for Eurovision, which is always a night to remember. Plus it’s brilliant that they are hosting Drag Idol again.”

Heather Elliot – Halfway II Heaven Manager

CK Sunday’s 9th Birthday is this Sunday (12 Mar) at Halfway II Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, London, WC2N 4JF.

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