
The Power of Three at the Two Brewers

The Power of Three is the all-conquering Sunday afternoon cabaret session that packs out the Two Brewers every single week. Dave Cross tracked down the three main residents – Miss Jason, Mary Mac and Sandra – to find out what Sundays mean to them.

Miss Jason

How would you describe the Power of Three at the Brewers?

The Power of Three is like a well balanced a la carte meal. I am the starter of prawn cocktail, full of colour and flavour, a trusted dish that goes down well at all dinner parties. Mary is the main course, meat, two veg and no one leaves hungry. As for our Sandra, there’s nothing like an exotic fruit to round off the night.

What’s it like doing the first slot?

It’s the listening slot where you can really have fun with the crowd. Good comedy is an exchange so before I or the crowd get too pissed that’s when it works best.

How important is the Brewers and their audience to you as a performer?

I love it! I really can’t tell you how much it means to me to be part of Jimmy Smith’s team at the Brewers, plus Sandra and Mary are two of the most lovely queens I know. Even as I type this I have a lump in my throat. Oh wait, it’s a fur ball…

If you weren’t at the Brewers, what would your ideal Sunday be?

I would be propping up a bar somewhere watching some of the wonderful acts that grace the stages of gay bars up and down the country.

Mary Mac

What makes the Power of Three special for you? 

It’s the perfect Sunday for any cabaret loving human being. You get three very different shows, which are never the same each week, and a fabulous crowd that creates a crazy, loving atmosphere.

Does the time slot you do on a Sunday change the nature and feel of your act at all?

People do get more drunk as the night goes on and that can make you change some things, but everyone is always there to be entertained and have a laugh from the start.

How important is the Brewers to you as a performer?

The Brewers is a really, really wonderful venue to perform in any night of the week, but especially Sundays. I give massive thanks to Jimmy and all the staff who work so hard to make it not only a brilliant place to work but also a smashing night out for customers, regular or not.

If you weren’t at the Brewers, what would your perfect Sunday be?

Sun, food, friends, booze and laughs, which to be honest I get four out of five at the Brewers every Sunday anyway, so I’m winning either way.


What makes the Power of Three at the Brewers special for you? 

I love that it’s three different acts each bringing their own thing. I was one of the original three with Pam Ann and Dave Lynn and it was a great idea to bring us together that is still working today. I love it.

Does your act change if you move time slot?

Oh god yes. The early slot at 6.30pm is totally different from the late 11pm one. They come to listen to your stories early, so I have to be careful what I say sometimes. The middle one is more relaxed and by 11pm they just want to dance and sing along.

How important is the Two Brewers to you after all this time?

I do honestly think all the venues are important but yes the Brewers is a special place. Originally I could never get booked there but then when Jimmy left the Black Cap he brought me with him.

If you weren’t at the Brewers, what would your perfect Sunday be?

I’d stay at home and watch Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. I love all those American shows.

The Power of Three is every Sunday at the Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, London, SW4 7UJ.

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