
Adam & Eve… And Steve: Review by Stephen Vowles

Adam & Eve and Steve, The Kings Head Theatre, runs until 29 April

I’ve always been interested in the premise ‘what might of been’ so the idea that after God created Adam, the Devil, or Beelzebub, interrupted the process and Steve came along before Eve is an amusing idea that forms the basis of this musical.

With book and lyrics by Chandler Warren and music by Warren Moore, this very quirky, frothy and at times down right camp musical is 75 minutes of pure joy.

The songs have an instant sing along quality to them and act as very good plot devices. There is a music hall feel to this show and one of the highlights is a song and dance routine eagerly performed with gusto by Michael Christopher as God and Stephen McGlynn as the aforementioned Beelzebub. This is wonderful stuff and would give Morecambe and Wise a run for their money.

There is also a raunchiness to this show mainly due to the superb casting of Joseph Robinson as Adam, Dale Adams as Steve and Hayley Hampson as Eve. Adams has a fantastic voice and you can clearly see he is having the time of his life singing this material – a great way to make his London debut.

Another important point to make is that most styles from power ballads to jazz are included in the score, so there is something for everyone. Some would consider this blasphemous; I say what the hell! It’s funny and extremely cheesy, but that’s what makes it entertaining. Well worth a look. Stephen Vowles

Adam & Eve and Steve runs until 29 April at the King’s Head Theatre, 115 Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 1QN. Book tickets via

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