XXL Tony: Fat Tony talks about playing at XXL

Fat Tony is a legend on the scene. He’s a DJ who has not only reinvented himself but has played all over the world and with or for some of the biggest names in music and fashion including his regular cohort Kate Moss. He is now starting another phase in his incredible life as a regular guest in the main room at XXL. Dave Cross had a catch up with Tony to find out more.

Hi Tony, you’ve already played at XXL a couple of times, how was it?

I loved it. It’s great to be back in a full South London club. There was a great energy and to be honest playing at XXL has restored my faith in big gay clubs.

Did you have to change your music at all for XXL?

No not really. I’m quite eclectic in what I do and I naturally adapt to suit the crowd I’m playing for.

How did playing there come about?

I’ve wanted to play there for a long time and I’ve been talking to Mark and James for ages, but I wasn’t in a position to commit before. I did the first date and they told me they had great feedback so asked me if I would become a regular. I knew it was going to be a challenge for me but I’m so happy with how it went. They have Pagano playing there as well now and the crowd there adapt as well to what the DJ is playing. I love the crowd there, such a wide range of ages and different kinds of guys.

Do you still get nervous when you play a new club?

Oh my God, you have no idea! I’ve been so blessed to play in amazing clubs all over the world, but the day I did the first gig at XXL I was petrified that the crowd would hate me. I told James from the club and he was shocked that I was worried, but I really just wanted it to go as well as possible.

What are your first memories of going out on the gay scene?

The first club I ever went to was Cha Cha’s behind Heaven. I used to go with Leigh Bowery, Jeffrey Hinton and Princess Julia. It was a small club so I kind of got weaned into it and then the first time I thought I’d actually go to Heaven I was15 and just stood outside the club all night as I was too nervous to go in… but I did get a lot of attention, just standing there on the street! Back in those days it was so exciting and it was so social, we didn’t need the internet we had clubs.

We first met over 20 years ago at Trade, you were a very different person back then and now you’ve totally changed your life and your career has seriously taken off…

I could be hateful back then. I really believe that you can do anything that you really want to if you start to believe in yourself. When I stopped doing the drink and drugs I had nothing and thought my life was over. I was in rehab and people were telling me that I couldn’t go back to London and DJing. I realised that I had to look at it as not going back but going forward, forward to London, to DJing and to my life. The rest of my life has made me who I am and I think that you get out what you put in.

What do you think of the scene right now?

You hear people say the scene is dead, it’s not, it’s so not. Things grow, they become beautiful and they die and that’s how it should be. There’s so much right now that’s brilliant on the scene, some venues are over and others are just starting and flourishing. Thank God it’s not the same.

What are you doing this year for Pride in London?

We are doing a special Private Life party at the Groucho Club in Soho and that’s free entry for everyone. Pride shouldn’t be about charging loads on the door. Then we are teaming up with Familia for an after-party at Egg which I think will be amazing.

XXL Construction is this Saturday 1 July, 10pm – 7am. Entry to XXL is £10 members, £15 guests.

XXL Construction at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, Blackfriars Bridge Road, SE1.

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