User Profile is the news and entertainment website for gay men. Boyz is our gay entertainment and lifestyle magazine distributed every month.

The typical user is a gay urban male in his thirties.

He is a strong consumer of media products – both gay and mainstream, print and online. He is most likely to work full-time as a professional – either at managerial level or as a business owner. Social issues such as coming out at work, and harassment due to sexuality are important factors in his life.

He is well educated – usually to degree standard or higher and is inclined to spend his disposable income eating or drinking on the gay scene or on technology products, fashion and lifestyle purchases. 50% of users are single.

Gender and orientation

97.5% Male

91.5% users describe themselves as ’gay’.

6.5% describe themselves as ‘bisexual’

Age Profile

44% users are under 35.

Three quarters of all users are between the ages of 18 and 44

Eating, Drinking and Leisure

The vibrant gay club and pub scene is at the heart of gay life. This is reflected in the comparatively high levels of spend eating and drinking out.

Typical Monthly Spend per (average per respondent)

Spirits £50.80
Wine £54.83
Beer £40.86
Champagne £27.45

Over third (36%) of users spend £50 or more on bottled wine each month.

29% of Boyz respondents spend more than £50 on sprits.

Almost a quarter (23%) of Boyz respondents have spent more than £50 on beer

Top Tipples (Sprits)

Vodka 41%
Gin 19%
Whiskey 15%
White Rum 9%
Brandy 4%
Dark Rum 3%

Almost half of all respondents (47.5%) dine out once a week or more.

Over half of all respondents work out at the gym at least once a week.

The typical user spends almost £60 (£59.38) on theatre, concert and cinema tickets each month.

Online Behaviour

95% of all Boyz, respondents have purchased goods and services online in the past three months

The average online spend in the last 3 months is £573

The typical spend on music and video downloads for users is £30.59 per month.

More than half of the users (55%) use the internet for 11 hours or longer for personal use each week. Over a quarter (28.76%) use the internet for over 21 hours.


Half of all users are single

1 in 5 users have entered a civil partnership

Less than 7% of Boyz readers are parents

Work and Education

77.5% of users are in full time employment.

7% of users describe themselves as ‘students’.

59.5% of respondents were educated to university degree standard or higher.

6% of users are currently ‘not working’

Primary occupations for users are

  1. Professional
  2. Manager
  3. Senior Manager
  4. Business Owner/Consultant
  5. Student
  6. Clerical
  7. Retail or Catering was a contributing partner in the 2011 Out Now Consulting Global Market Report.

For more information contact

Boyz Sales Department 020 7025 6100
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